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"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control" 

Galatians 5:22-23


G5 Missions exist to pray, provide resources and serve in rural Nicaragua with our strategic partners through projects that impact the hearts and lives of children, youth and families.


After many years  The Way Church Nicaragua has established a solid, growing church body of youth and adults that are truly becoming the hands and feet of Jesus in the community. Our vision is to continue connecting people to Jesus and each other.  With focused discipleship, through sports, music, theater, general and language education, jobs and the vital resources needed to effectively continue making a difference.

Feed the Kids

Food Program

We feed over 130 youth twice a week a hot meal with fresh fruit and water. Goat milk is provided for children under five.  This really is just a Love offering to help us connect with every youth and their families as they live in extreme poverty. We are truly only barely meeting the need with this.  With your help we can provide so much more. Please consider partnering with us to make a difference in these young lives!                         
Food Program Home

The Way School

Education in Nicaragua is extremely difficult. For lack of funding and basic needs like school clothes and supplies most people in our area are lucky to graduate at a 3rd grade level for reading, math and other studies. Our 2500 sq ft school will provide education for both young and old.  English, computer, parenting and Bible classes are among the many classes that will be taught.  Music, art, dancing and theater classes will also be provided.  The 1400 sq ft Kindergarden has begun and we will continue adding to that program where we believe giving students a boost in all areas of education is going to Eternally change the course of their lives and the future of our communites.
Education Home
Surf Mission


In Nicaragua most churches believe sports such as Surfing, Skateboarding and Baseball are aligned with a sinful nature. Its our goal to change this. We believe that our creative nature blossoms through sports.  Sports create a positive, healthy outlet for children both mentally and physically.  We are going to do our best to teach our youth and everyone else that the Light shines in the darkness not be extinguished.                    
Sports Home
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